Sunday, July 01, 2007

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Cardin

Peter and Lauren got married in Hawaii a few weeks ago, and had their wedding reception in Walnut Creek last Sunday. They're some of the best neighbors I've ever had - friendly, quiet (they claim they're not, but I never hear them), and easygoing, with nearly the same set of interests (cats, movies, comics books, food) I have. We recently realized that we've been neighbors for five years now. They're a very well matched pair - here's to a happy life together!

I took a couple of distinctly below-average photos at the wedding (time for a new camera...). They're kind of fun to look at as a flickr group, though. A little research turned up Mosaic Maker - you should try it! It's a fast, easy tool for creating grouped photos. And if you're interested in cataloging and grouping in general, this article from Evil Mad Scientist Labs is worth a read.

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