Friday, June 22, 2007

Elese's wedding

Originally uploaded by aliciamalia.

I'm significantly late posting these pictures - my sister is staying with me, and those aforementioned computer problems really slowed me down. But it's worth it! I found the pictures of another wedding guest online recently, and they're way better than mine (she's a professional photographer). So thanks Becky! Most of the images I've posted are hers.

Elese has been planning this wedding for a year and half. I was incredibly impressed with her level of organization - she seemed relaxed and calm throughout the several days leading to the actual event. It was a four day affair, which worked out well - by the time the wedding rolled around, I felt like I knew all the guests.

The trip actually felt like a vacation, too - we had highly social nights and relaxing days. Here are Elese's mom and Becky (another Becky, my roommate) hanging out and getting pedicures.


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

Anonymous said...

Nice dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.