Thursday, September 15, 2005

Blog Maintenance

I've spent large chunks of time the last few days trying to figure out all the "high-tech" aspects of blogging. You'll now see that I've figured out how to post a picture in the profile section, and also have new links on the side of the page for book reviews and babies. Both are sparse right now, but will hopefully grow with time. I want to thank all of you readers who responded to the new book review section--I have a nice, growing list of books to read, and a few ideas for future columns. I think the first is going to be a top ten list, and then I'll tackle thematic lists. Please keep the recommendations coming--I've figured out the reservation system at the Berkeley library, and promise to try get to everything you're interested in.

I think it's been awhile since my last "pro-Oakland" rant. I went into the city this afternoon to water my aunt's plants, and got stuck in traffic for two hours trying to get home (a big rig full of beer lit on fire--it looked like parts of it actually imploded--and they shut the entire lower deck of the Bay Bridge down. The driver and his dog made it out safe.). I'm really happy to be back on the traffic-free side of the Bay. I think I'm going to stick to Bart from now on. [As an aside, as I drove past the wreck, pondering whether or not to listen to Bush's speech tonight--I've decided not to; I've already been frustrated enough for one day--I noticed several news vans recording the action. One of the reporters had set up a lawn chair and was catching some sun. For some reason, this made me really happy. I'm glad that see that people have the ability to keep everything in perspective.]

In other news, as of yesterday I'm one year closer to 30. I'm pleased to report that I didn't feel noticeably older this morning.

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