Monday, August 01, 2005

Camping on Mount Tam

Well, I'm back. I've ignored the blog for a few weeks--it's harder to write these things when you're not going to a new city every few days. I have been to a number of interesting places, however. Zac and Eliza Sorenson-Wald (my former nieghbors) were kind enough to take me in for the first two weeks. They have a beautiful daughter, Sophie, who's learning to talk and is a lot of fun to be around. She calls me "A-Gee-Sha."

Liza, Sophie, Walker (Sophie's best friend), and Walker's parents Kiera & Steve and I spent a night last week up at the West Point Inn on Mount Tam. It's a hike-in hotel (2-3 miles each way, which is rather hard with two toddlers in tow) with incredible views. There's a fully equipped kitchen and a fun common room. I'd definitely do it again. While it's not exactly a romantic getaway--you share the common space with all the other guests--it's perfect for an outting with a group of friends.

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